Gain access to a wealth of information compiled by professionals in the substance abuse specialist field.
Stratford's Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist course includes vital information about drugs and their effects on the human body as well as a variety of valuable counseling methods.
Whether you are a concerned family member or are interested in a career as a drug and alcohol treatment specialist, Stratford's drug and alcohol training course can help you learn how to appropriately help those who suffer with addiction.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the median annual salary for social and human service assistants is $38,520. The number of jobs is projected to increase by 9% through 2032, which is much faster than average.*
Take the first step toward a rewarding new career with an online drug and alcohol course by enrolling in Stratford?s course today, Request free information or get started with just a low down payment.
Preparing to Counsel Others The Foundations of Human Behavior
The Process of Socialization
Social Issues in General
Social Issues in the Workplace
A Recipe for Psychological and Social Wellness
Counseling Tasks and Competencies
Recognizing Ambiguity and Complexity
Drugs and Society Volume 1 Effects of Drugs on Society and Dimensions of Drug Use
Understanding Drug Use and Abuse
Drug Use, Regulation and the Law
Homeostatic Systems and Drugs
How and Why Drugs Work
CNS Depressants
Pharmacological Effects of Alcohol
Behavioral Effects of Alcohol
Drugs and Society Volume 2 Narcotics
OTC, Prescription and Herbal Drugs
Drug Use within Major Subcultures
Drug Abuse Prevention
Treating Drug Dependence
Substance Abuse Counseling Substance Abuse Counseling for the 21st Century
Drugs and Their Effects
Motivational Interviewing
Assessment and Treatment Planning
Helping Clients Change
Empowering Clients through Group Work
Maintaining Change in Substance Use Behavior
Working with Families
Programming Planning and Evaluation
Preventing Substance Abuse
This educational program is an introductory course designed to help students gain knowledge necessary for the vocational application of this subject. Completion of this program does not fulfill the legal requirements of particular state licenses or certifications, which may require additional training or apprenticeships.
We take great pride in providing you with the most up-to-date textbooks and equipment. One or more of the above-mentioned subjects may, therefore, change if updating becomes necessary during the course of your studies. The order in which the course material is presented may vary.
*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook.
"I feel my education through Stratford has further enhanced my skills to get a job in the field of my academic studies."
Deborah E.
"This was an effective and efficient way to get the tools I need to be a good counselor. The lessons are practical and will help me grow. It was worth my time and investment."