Learn the fundamentals involved in forensic science, criminalistics, and crime scene investigations.
This exciting and in-depth course can introduce you to the critical techniques and procedures involved in a number of careers in forensic science.
Students will learn about collecting and analyzing various types of criminal evidence as well as better understand the important role science plays in today's criminal investigations.
Before you spend your hard earned money on expensive forensic science schools, let Stratford first help you learn the fundamentals and determine if careers in forensic science are for you!
Introduction to Forensic Science Types, Properties, and Testing of Physical Evidence
Introduction to Firearms and Ballistics
Introduction to Fingerprints, Hair, and DNA Profiling
Building a Solid Scientific Foundation
Basic Chemistry, Physics, Electricity, Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, and Math for Forensic Science
Criminalistics Investigating the Crime Scene
Investigating and Processing Physical Evidence
Physical Properties: Forensic Characterization of Soil
The Microscope and Forensic Identification of Hair and Fibers
Forensic Analysis of Glass
Questioned Documents
More Concepts in Criminalistics Forensic Determination of Metals and Gunshot Residue
Drugs of Abuse
Forensic Toxicology
Biological Fluids
DNA Typing
Computer Forensics, Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism
Detecting Weapons of Mass Destruction
Crime Scene Investigation Part 1 Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation
The CSI Effect
Ethics in Crime Scene Investigations
Duties of the First Responder to the Crime Scene
Specialized Personnel and Safety Considerations
Methodical Approach to Processing the Crime Scene
The Forensic Laboratory
Crime Scene Investigation Part 2 Fingerprint Evidence
Trace Evidence
Blood and Biological Evidence
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Impression Evidence
Firearms and Ballistic Evidence
Drug Evidence
Digital Evidence
Death Investigation
Arson and Explosive Investigation
Special Scene Considerations
This program is specifically designed to serve as an introduction to the theory and methodology of forensic science. It is intended to help individuals in the exploration of forensic science as a career field. Additional training, certification and/or licensing may be prerequisite conditions to employment, as required by law.
We take great pride in providing you with the most up-to-date textbooks and equipment. One or more of the above-mentioned subjects may, therefore, change if updating becomes necessary during the course of your studies. The order in which the course material is presented may vary.